Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Halloween

I know that it's 2 weeks past Halloween, but I have a lot of catching up to do. This Halloween was fun because Sariah was old enough to go trick or treating and understand what was going on. Elijah chose to be a skeleton this year and Sariah was a pumpkin fairy. We did our usual family tradition which was to fight the traffic to Mililani Mauka and hang out at Ant Lota's house till it was time to get some candy. The traffic was actually pretty good this year. I was surprised to see a lot of empty house though, Mauka must be catching on. Anyways, Eli and Sariah got more than enough candy, which means more candy for mom, yay! Sariah started getting pooped out at the end and wanted us to push her in the stroller to the doors. No way, if she wants candy, then she has to walk her little butt to the door and earn it. It was lots of fun!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Is that A-rod? No, it's Elijah. This is the first season that Elijah is playing baseball. Go Unknowns! Seriously, that's their team name. He is so lucky to be on the team he's on. These little boys are awesome. Most of this team started baseball together years ago and have grown up together. When I watch them play, I can see that they trust each other, they know exactly who to throw to, and they can read what their teammate is going to do. Our Elijah is so blessed to be able to practice and learn from this great team. He is also lucky to have such patient coaches who are willing to take the time to teach him and help him grow into a better baseball player. So far, this season, their record is 11-0. The Unknowns are the one to beat!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Potty Success

Sept. 7th is a historic day in little Sariah's life. She finally used the potty!! It was either the candy we used to bribe her or keeping her diaper off long enough that she had no other choice but to go in the potty. Whatever it was, YAY!! I heard that girls were faster than boys, but I'm in shock because Elijah didn't learn how until a few months before he turned three. I had to take a few pics of her sitting on the potty.