Friday, April 24, 2009

Chinaman's Hat

Last month our family camped out at Chinaman's Hat and I wanted to post some of the pics. The beach there is great for kids with its sparkling waters, small waves, and shaded shore lines. The kids made their way to an open field to play some baseball. Mom played outfield while the kids took turns batting. It was so much fun and we can't wait to go again.

Chinaman's Hat

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Easter '09

Easter '09 was great! We spent the day at Anty Lota's house eating all the ono grinds, watching the kids play, talking with family, and of course the highly anticipated EASTER EGG HUNT! Thanks to all the anties, each kid was able to find an average of $60 from the Easter egg hunt. Sariah "princess" scored big time! I wont say how much, but to give you an idea, she found the golden egg which had a fifty dollar bill in it. So what are you gonna buy mommy Sariah? Just joking. Jason was happy to get a few hours of sleep. My favorite part is when grandma, papa, and all the anties entertain my kids so that I can receive a much needed break, even if it's just for a few minutes, I'll take what I can get. I love my kids but momma needs a break. Thank you so much Anty Lota for always welcoming us into your home. And thank you grandma and anties for donating $$$. It was a blast.