Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Noah Looks Like a Turkey

I thought this video is so funny. Well, actually just one quick part, but I still love seeing the rest of the video. Ok, it's less than an hour since Noah was born and his pediatrician is checking him out. Dr. Lee flips Noah over and he totally looks like a roasted bird. I love Dr. Lee, she's the best!


kelly said...

OH my Gosh, that is so funny,just for that one moment, total turkey! they are a little rough with them yeah?!
you need to update your profile too not that there are 3 bebe's! one step at a time!

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much said...

You're right! He did look like a roasted turkey for that short moment. Hehe! I can't believe how big he was!

Pat-n-Raine said...

It's still hard for me to believe that he was in your tummy! Good job mom ;0)