Watch out, Pearl Ridge Mall is being invaded by giant insects! Sort of. On Wednesday we went to the mall to check out their new giant insect exhibit. It was pretty neat seeing over sized bugs move and make noise. On Macy's side they have a train that the kids can ride on while these huge bugs tower over them. It scared Sariah a bit so she refused to ride the train. The one on Macy's side is better than the one on Sear's side. On the other side they have only one giant bug and then this over sized display of three different bugs heads up close. I wouldn't waist the time to drive to the other side.
Elijah and Sariah in front of the Leaf Bug.
Praying Mantis
Us in front of the Praying Mantis.
I think this was some kind of cricket.
The only pic we took on Sear's side.